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1) Making Music Fun - Music & Audios from - Also videos with some of them 2) Mayron Cole Free Piano Course - Levels from Preliminary up to Grade 9 will be available - PDF's & Audios. Videos with some. 3) Jerald Simon - Exercise Books - 13 "Cool Songs" books - PDF's, Audios and Videos with some. 4) Books from Scribd - Easy Piano, Movies Themes, MMF book of songs 5) Alfred Adult All- In-One Books (3) - PDF's and Audios 6) Carol Matz Online Course 7) Andrea Dow's Books - - PDF's, Audios and Some Videos will be available 8) KEYBOARD - EZ Play Songs: in Pop, Country, Disney and Oldies 9) Movie Music 10) 3 new books - A - G Piano Book Series 11) 4 Books from PIANO STAR Series 12) Classical Music Method Book 1 |
PRESS BUTTON TO GO TO THE PAGE WHICH LINKS YOU TO EACH LEVEL OF THIS COURSE. AUDIOS ARE ALSO INCLUDED ON THE PAGES. Jerald has written books in three different levels. Beginner, Early Intermediate and Intermediate/Senior. There are some books that I embedded from Scribd. If you want individual pages you will have to make screenshots and print or ask me to do it for you. Three levels with Audios & PDF's The main books are on this page but all supplementary pages are online. Level 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3 There are approximately 50 books that I have bought, with more being added each month. a) Easy Classical and Folk Songs and Older Familiar Tunes On these pages are songs from Disney and other animated movies, writen in various forms - PVG,EZ play, Easy Piano, Duet, Guitar Tab etc. New books written in 2021. Very good illustrations and pieces 4 books from beginner level to Grade1 ABRSMA |